
Here you will find information about some interesting initiatives relevant for collaboration on data-driven sustainability based om EU Data Spaces.

Some resources

  1. DIGITAL Europe Amended Work Programme 2023-2024 (.pdf)
  2. Climate Mainstreaming Architecture in the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework
  3. DSSC Overview of Liaisons and Collaborations
  4. DSSC Community of Practice
  5. DSBA HubSpace
  6. European Digital Innovation Hubs Network – EDIH Catalogue
  7. Data Spaces Radar – International Data Spaces

Climate Mainstreaming Architecture

Climate Mainstreaming Architecture in the 2021-2017 Multiannual Financial Framework. (2022):

In the December 2020 Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA)8 that accompanied the agreement on the multiannual financial framework, the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council committed to strengthen the EU budget’s contribution to the fight against climate change. The agreement contains the following key elements:

  1. An overall target of at least 30% for climate-relevant expenditure (see Section 2.2);
  2. A ‘climate adjustment mechanism’9, allowing for action to be taken in case expenditure levels are likely to be insufficient to reach (programme-specific) climate spending targets (Section 2.3);
  3. The development of an effective climate tracking methodology to track the level of expenditure10 (Section 3);
  4. The application of the ‘do no harm’ principle to ensure that money spent under the budget does not prevent the EU from achieving its climate and environmental goals (Section 4.1)


  • Horizon Europe 35%
  • ITER 100%
  • InvestEU programme 30%
  • Connecting Europe Facility 60%
  • European Regional Development Fund 30%
  • Cohesion Fund 37%
  • REACT EU 25%
  • Recovery and Resilience Facility 37%
  • Common agricultural policy 2023-2027 40%
  • LIFE 61% Just Transition Mechanism 100%
  • Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument Global Europe 30%
  • Overseas Countries and Territories 25%
  • Pre-Accession Assistance 18%14

Relevant initiatives for upcoming DIGITAL EUROPE Work Programme 2023-2024calls related to EU’s Green Deal

Ref. DIGITAL EUROPE Work Programme 2023-2024, the following data spaces are relevant, counting from January 2024:

  • Green Deal Data Space: Simple grant
  • Data Space for Skills: Simple grant
  • Language Data Space: Simple grant
  • Energy Data Space: Simple grant
  • Data Space for Manufacturing (deployment): Simple grant
  • Agricultural Data Space: Simple grant
  • Data Space for Public Administration: Procurement

Green Deal Data Space GREAT Project


  1. Green Deal Data Space GREAT Project The GREAT project
  2. get involved GREAT (
  3. Contact Great Project Community
  4. GREAT-project-online-brochure.pdf (

The GREAT project aims at fostering an international cross-sectoral Green Deal Data Space Community of Practice, which will shape and constitute the future Data Space through the provision and use of data.

To facilitate the creation of the Community of Practice, GREAT calls together the core of the Community – the Task Forces, which will represent and bring on board reference Use Cases.


See DSBA HubSpace.

  • BDVA iSpace
  • iHubGaiaX
  • IDSA Hubs & CC


Swedish example: See

The mission of OiL FIWARE iHub is to bring together actors such as entrepreneurs, companies, universities, research institutions, and the public sector into a collaborative community. The intention is to together exploit the potential of Open Source for a smart, digital, and connected society. The fields we address are such as Smart Cities, Smart Villages, Smart Energy, Smart Water, and Smart Agrifood.

The goals are to facilitate innovation, entrepreneurial development, business success, and better civic services that foster sustainable economic growth in our region. We are convinced that building a strong culture of participation, collaboration and sharing will help us all to achieve those goals.

Other initiatives


See DOME – A Distributed Open Marketplace for Europe Cloud and Edge Services

CIRPASS -Digital Product Passport


  1. The CIRPASS Project
  2. How can you get involved in the CIRPASS project?


GREEN.DAT.AI aims to channel the potential of AI towards the goals of the European Green Deal, by developing novel Energy-Efficient Large-Scale Data Analytics Services, ready-to-use in industrial AI-based systems, while reducing the environmental impact of data management processes.

See Energy-efficient AI-ready Data Spaces.

Further contents

Also see: